Friday, August 14, 2009

Mango Madness!!

On the 10th, Quinn and I got a rare weeknight treat... we got a babysitter (Thanks Desiree!) and had ourselves a date night. It wasn't a standard dinner/movie evening, though. Hurricane Felicia (by then, she'd been demoted to "Tropical Pout Felicia") was moving through the state, which made surf on the east side of the island particularly tempting. Felicia coincided with the visit of one of Quinn's good friends, Gene, who also likes to surf! It made perfect sense to head to the east side, watch Quinn & Gene surf for an hour or so, then kick back and hang out.

After the boys tuckered themselves out in the surf, we headed back to Gene's place, where he put out a ton of delicious food (edamame, poke, shrimp) and we had ourselves some drinks. After that, it was off to Buzz's for some BFRD's. (They're made with Rum, and they're Drinks, and they're Big.......)

Gene's house had a huge mango tree in the front yard, and he made sure we took home a bunch of the delicious fruit to enjoy later. We ate a few of them, and then had the marvelous idea to marinate them in some vodka, to be made into martinis later. After letting them blend their juice with the vodka, Quinn whipped up some of the finest specialty martinis I've ever had. Absolutely perfect! ;) We enjoyed them while we played a game of Cribbage this evening.

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