Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My Fish out of Water...

I've been meaning to write a post about Quinn and his North Shore Swim Series, and today is the day I actually DO it! :) I'm so proud of him, and he's pretty modest about how wonderfully he's doing, so it's clearly my job to brag him up!

It's a series of 4 swims that are held every summer on the North Shore of Oahu. Each swim is longer than the previous one, and they are held every other Saturday. 3 of the 4 have been completed so far, with just the last one remaining. The overall results are tracked, and there are prizes at the end for the swimmers who have the best times over all 4 races. While Scott was here, he got to attend the 3rd race (from which I pulled the picture above), and was so inspired by the thing, he tallied up the results from the first 3. Turns out that at this point, Quinn is solidly #3 in the field of ALL swimmers! He's roughly 2 minutes behind the #1 and #2 swimmers, and could definitely beat them if he does super well on this last race.

I'm so terribly proud of his efforts to train for this 4th race on Saturday. He's swum the course five times now, most recently yesterday morning, starting at 5:30am!! If he doesn't pull off first place overall, it will NOT be for lack of preparation. He's also got a dedicated cheering section, so that can only help! ;) Tune in after Saturday to see how it all pans out, or just check the race times when they're posted here!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, thanks hon. Thank you also so very much for cheering at ALL my races this year. Not to mention wrangling the kids the whole while. You've made it a very memorable summer. Glad to be your fish -Q
